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Copyright 2025 - Email to Knockadoon Website


The Knockadoon Enhancement Project (a subcommittee of the Ballymacoda/Ladysbridge Community Council) was setup to highlight the beauty of the area and to help enhance the area in general by way of several different projects.

You can follow the progress of KEP’s many proposed projects here or on social media.


Completed projects include:

Reopening of walk from Knockadoon to Barry’s Cove (including planting, fencing and signage).

Painting of water pumps at Ballyskibole and Glenawilling.

New picnic area in Knockadoon.

Large map at Knockadoon.

Painting of pumphouse at Glenawilling.

Cookery demonstration night at Knockadoon Camp.

Cart & Churns erected at Ballyskibole.

New Welcome Sign at 4 road cross.


Ongoing and upcoming projects include:

Re-purposing of lookout in Knockadoon for whale watching.

Opening of walk from Knockadoon to Signal Tower.

Opening of walk from Knockadoon Signal Tower to Glenawilling.

Improved signage in the area.

Planting of trees, shrubs and flowers.

Adding street furniture at strategic locations.

Plus much much more…..


Other activities include:

Lobbying of Local Authority for improved roads, hedge cutting etc.

Holding events for the purposes of fundraising.

Liaising with community groups such as Muintir na Tíre and SECAD.
